Negative emotions such as sadness, disappointments, anger, frustration, etc. are very prevalent in our lives. When these emotions arise, we often do not know how to deal with them. Thus, we suffer at their occurrences. However, do you know that there is a way to get rid of negativity? This process is called letting go or surrendering. Here are the steps to let go of emotions no longer desired.
1.Become aware that emotions are arising
When a negative emotion rises in our body, we usually have no awareness of it. By becoming aware of negativity, you have done half of the work. This is because you recognize that you are not the emotion. Rather, you are merely experiencing an emotion. A question to ask yourself is: What are emotions that I no longer wish to experience? Once you have identified an emotion to let go of, we begin our next step.
2.Let go of the emotion (Surrender)
Let go of the emotion by becoming indifferent towards them. A helpful exercise is to take three deep breaths. By shifting your focus towards something else, you are telling your mind that you do not desire to reinforce negative emotions and thought patterns.
Letting go does not mean suppressing or resisting the undesired emotion. This, on the contrary, increases the intensity of the emotion. Think about the last time that you felt jealous or guilty. Did it help to deny those emotions? Is there another way?
We are often caught in negative thoughts when what we need is to let go of our emotions. When the energy behind an emotion is let go of, thoughts that are associated with them will go away automatically. Another helpful exercise is repeating this mantra in your mind: I AM. And staying with this sense of I AM allows us to detach from whatever emotion we wish to let go of.
4.Make letting go a daily practice
A helpful exercise is setting up a meditation routine. This helps increase your awareness. So when a negative emotion arises, you will quickly recognize and let go of it.
As we let go, we discover that love, peace, and joy are our nature. Negativities do not last and therefore are illusions. This is when we begin to grasp the saying: “You are the love that you seek.”
I wish you all the best for your journey to true happiness.
Extended reading: Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender by David R Hawkins
-Eric Qian